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Friday, April 3, 2009

Why We Must submit to Search Engine ?

We need submit to search engine. In addition to the SEO Tips, this is a step to promote your blog.
Indirectly increase your blog's PageRank and improve the visitor came to your blog.

There are 4 famous search engine :
  1. Google
  2. yahoo
  3. MSN
  4. AOL
You must focus on the 4 search engine in promoting your blog.
Below is a link to register your blog to search engines:
  1. Google --->
  2. Yahoo --->
  3. MSN --->
There is a quick way to submit your blog to a special blog search engines, that is using the auto web submit.
One of the web service provider auto submit is Mypagerank.

I created this article based on a tutorial from o-om

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